Wednesday, February 25, 2009

do all people just get engaged to each other, then they learnt to manage their relationship, and eventually ending it with dissolution to the relationship..?

i am lacking down a little in studies already. haven been doing really well in some modules. sometimes, i feel that the life that i am leading seems a little aimless. sometimes time, just seemed to have gone past within our view.
i would sometimes spend time day dream of getting styled and famous just like Fabulousity, Kimora, Life in the Fab Lane.

i often envy people like her and especially her two daughters. Aoki Lee and Ming Lee. they are so fortunate to be born with a very shiny golden spoon. i on the television programs and i see them running their own little shows.
imagine having your own fashion show at the tender age of 6 or 8! how awesome would it be like. pretty awesome yeah... :D

actually i think some of these shows may be some ways beneficial towards an audience when he or she inspires to be like someone on reality show telling people about their personal life and make them work hard for it. make themselves known to the world. or maybe just do something that you enjoy.
nevertheless, all reapings shall come with sacrifices. just like relational formation and development. if you want something, you would have to give up another thing in return. imagine yourself making friend with a very rich man, you would sacrifice a lot of time for him so as to build up the relationship you would want to share with him, so that maybe you could reap some wealth out of him. but the time you wasted on him could be used to do many other beneficial acts where may do ourself well, for example, reading a knowledgable book.
however, in this case is your life, and your profession.

we would have close up such as face-to-face interaction, usually with people whom you are working closer with. like intimate relationships, working out trusts between your close friend or someone living under the same roof. this would often breeds closeness as well.

i wish i could make it big out of fashion. or maybe not big, i just want to have a feel of how it is like to be in such bustling profession. to be immersed in flashes and often on the run from paparazzi. where you have a wide network of friends, clients, partners, assistance, and businesses.. however, we all need a good foundation communication skills.
be it relational, or ethical. we have to use the different approaches and contributions towards different footsteps that enter our lives.

i think having a good relationship means forming ties and interest towards what one likes. maybe say a working partner, life partner, or maybe just your work and assignment. to start off with a liking, and be passionate about what you are doing, a leap towards success (:

Thursday, February 19, 2009


URL above is an article of shocking headlines going around the world.
shocking 13-year-old boy,
or rather a dad.
at such a tender age, children of this age should still be
figuring out the meaning of sex rather than putting it into action.

despite the increasing numbers of campaigns and
advertisements about safe sex,
accidents like such still happen.
this particular news managed to get onto many front page of
newspapers around the world.
though media could be a form of influence to the society,
people who misread the intentional
meaning may serve as a bad influence ultimately to
themselves or people around them.

movies, television programs have now become
more liberal in their content wise.
in the past, we often have contents that are restricted
for certain viewers,
such as children whom are under the age of 16 or 18 in
some countries.
in these days now, we are seeing more and more contents
that are considered
explicit for some adults or parents.
however, i feel that it should not serve as a bad influence
or should not be misinterpreted to the audience.

likewise, parents should try to spend more time with
their children and to understand
their perceptions towards media influences,
and not restrict them to the media.
guide them is they are unsure of the intended meaning from media.
advocate them with the right knowledge to deal with such matters.
this way, they will be more self conscious as they are able to
view matters from different angle.
as media is a very powerful form of communication,
parents and adults should make use of it wisely.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Mr DotCom & nonverbal communications

i just realized that the meaning of ".com" (dot-com) used on the internet. it's actually some domain for url. and there's the second-level domain entry. For example; Australia (.com.aud), Korea (, Morocco (

it's needed so that people are able to register themselves online and set up their personal or area urls.
ok, i know it's kind of random to start off with Mr Dot Com. but well, without all these we would not have the chance to learn through the internet space...



-I'm Yours Jason Mraz, songwriter (Jason Mraz) Track from: We Sing. We Dance. We Steal Things. [Atlantic; Publisher: Goo Eyed Music]

He won the Song of the year for "I'm  Yours" !
SO GREAT. don't you people think that he is very cute.
i like that song very much as well. so, i'm happy for him. (:

actually, communication exist EVERYsingleWHERE!

especially when nonverbal communication is part of our studies. we uses our emotions to display our pleasures or displeasures.
our affections and understanding towards a matter is shown on one's face clearly unless he or she can hide it very well.

upon a person's first impression, i would see whether if he or she is a decent or neat person. i don't like people who are dirty and lazy especially their first impression for me. these kind of people will definitely spoil my day.
we might be communicating nonverbally without us knowing it clearly. like a stare from a person's eye towards an action or an object might mean that the person want the looker to look or stare at the same thing the person is staring at. like directing another person's focus to something else.
as learnt in class, it is an receiver-oriented characteristic of nonverbal communication. without a response from receiver it will break the communication line of intended messages.

actually this is quite a natural thing that we will master it even without teaching.
for example, an infant, will get terrified if someone much older than him stares into his eyes fiercely. so the action is kind of mutual, you start off by doing something and someone else would react to it.

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Anne Hathaway, main cast for "Princess Diaries", she is now coming back with three new movies.
1. Bride Wars
2. Rachel getting married
3. Passengers

I admire her incredible ability in acting all sorts of roles, from an unpopular geek in high school to an IT girl, with rising sense of fashion through the devilishly devil who wears Prada. Wars between best of friends and being a young therapist in a thriller, "Passengers".

Her first major role came in 1999, in a television series "Get Real", and gained popularity and recognition from her role in "Princess Diaries"(2001). Her journey towards being an only heir to her Prince dad began when this young girl realizes that she's a member of royalty.

growing up with her sixteenth birthday decision of becoming a true royal Princess to what we are seeing today, a grown up bride-to-be in...

B R I D E  W A R S .


Liv (Kate Hudson) and Emma (Anne Hathaway) are best friends who since childhood have planned every detail of their respective weddings. At the top of their bridal “must have” list: a ceremony at New York’s ultimate bridal destination, the Plaza Hotel.

Now, at age 26, they’re both about to get married; they’re about to realize their dreams; and they’re about to live happily ever after.

Or maybe not…

When a clerical error causes a clash in wedding dates – they’re now to be married on the same date! – Liv, Emma and their lifelong friendship are put to the ultimate test. Liv, a successful lawyer who is used to getting what she wants, including the perfect job and the perfect man, won’t settle for anything less than the perfect wedding she has dreamed of for years. Emma, a schoolteacher who has always been good at taking care of others, but not so much in looking after herself, discovers her inner Bridezilla and comes out swinging when her own dream wedding is imperiled.

Now, the two best friends who’d do anything for each other, find themselves in a no-holds-barred, take-no-prisoners struggle that threatens to erupt into all-out war. 

and special moves that will get your opponents out of the game...

I've watched this movie two days back. very nice show. Love how it depicts a very strong relationship between the two girls and how they've managed to build up their bond since young as two little girls share the same dreams of getting married at the same nice place. furthermore, despite their arguments where they really hated each other terrible, they managed to be back together as good friends again. ! I liked the way Anne Hathaway scolds people in the movie, getting upset and all, and i think she really has what it takes to be in the entertainment circle. Without her, Diaries may be without a perfect Princess and Brides without heat in the head of war.

and most of all, Anne Hathaway presenting all with her trademark smile and a new beginnings with "Passengers".

i think she should be quite a versatile woman. as she could act as if the role that she's playing in real life. i wouldn't be able to handle all sorts of emotions like what most celebrity did. :)
love AnneH. :D