Friday, January 30, 2009

nut thinks ever seemzed mall cooz.

HAHA. the week's ending and so is the deadline of post this week nearing!
NEIL HOLBERT is my marketing lecturer.
he's 78 years old if i remembered correctly. he's one funny wise old man, who's rather relevant then irrelevant. you may not get the joke unless you're in my marketing class.

btw, what i learnt through marketing associates quite a bit to the communication studies i am taking right now. like how we try to market or to promote a business or an item is to think of the best way to catch people's attention so as to convey a message we want to, to consumers. at the same time also understanding the needs and wants of the market. so isn't it a very right time for me to take up these two modules? where both complements each other from point to point. (:

like as said in one of the article as mentioned in marketing class today, if a band were to try to promote a name for themselves from nothing they would print out flyers, and posters, etc...
but that was in the past. where it is costly, time consuming, and not very effective as people slowly lost interest in reading a flyer anymore.
therefore, comes the fad, of facebook, myspace, hi5, etc...
all these are very popular among the young to old i can say. because i know of people of age at least 45, who uses facebook to interact, make friends, or basically any form of cyber communications online.
i was told that more and more individuals who created their own songs are posting them online for people to listen or even download their creations as a form of promotion to the public.
as you know people communicate with one another.

and just among your circle of friends, you will realize that new promotions or the latest news would be part of your discussion. and this is where news travel from mouth to mouth and ear to ear...

that's how great the world can be, with us humans revolving and growing around the planet.

Thursday, January 22, 2009



to tell the truth, I'm not really sure as to how to do this well. but i thought i could start with talking about Cromatie High School... actually i don't used to like anime. Like Naruto, One piece and all. but this is very funny. and something new? I'm not sure. got to know about it through COM 101 lessons. where teacher gave examples of what was found in our notes.
After watching Cromatie High School, I felt that anime is very interesting. I started to look for more anime. I came across some hentai while searching on google. I felt weird about these as I didn't know there are such anime.
I searched for more anime such as Naruto and Death Note. I watched afew episode of each. They are rather addictive because once you watch, you will want to know whats going on for the next episode and makes you glued to your chair.
I came across some Manga, which are the comic of the anime. I believe they are much faster but not as interesting. As you only see pictures.
However I am not a fan of anime. As following the anime will take up alot of time. I also didn't want to get into this incase I got addicted to it.
Chinese New Year is nearing... but I don't really have the kind of mood set for CNY... :D